Friday, September 6, 2013

U.S economic policy: a horrifying failure

Five years after Lehman Brothers collapsed, Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman concludes that: ".. by any objective standard, U.S. economic policy since Lehman has been an astonishing, horrifying failure."

Read his column here.


  1. Hope and Change.....

  2. That is a snarky comment without content. While Obama underestimated the depth of the recession, he has not been successful in implementing economic policies that promote fast enough growth and job creation , because the Republican opposition in control of the House is wedded to an economic austerity agenda that if implemented would throw the economy back into recession.

  3. Higher taxes and Obama's health insurance program has produced an anemic economic recovery. The stimulus progam failed as well. You should compare the Reagan recovery to the Obama recovery. Have you done that? Also, Obamacare is really hurting unions. Does that concern you and why didn't Obama help recall Walker? Thank you, god bless and have a great day

  4. How we can trust one of the largest economies in THE WORLD to a community organizer whom has never had to make payroll is beyond me. Blindly supporting Obama because he is a Democrat with his resume sitting in front of you is astonishing.
