Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kaplan University's profits compromise the Washington Post's integrity

Kaplan Higher Education owns a chain of for-profit colleges like Kaplan University that are under intense scrutiny for misleading students about their future success in order to rake in federal student loans - loans that students often default on.

Kaplan Higher Education is also the highly profitable subsidiary of the Washington Post Company which is ever-more reliant on those profits to support its money-losing newspaper.

Kaplan has lobbied against the U.S. Department of Education's "gainful employment" regulation that would make programs with a student loan repayment rate of less than 45% ineligible for federal financial aid. Kaplan University's average repayment rate is 28%.

The Washington Post has editorialized against the regulation and its Chairman has lobbied against it on Capitol Hill.

In the audio below Tamar Lewin of the New York Times explains how Kaplan’s business interests are compromising the Post’s journalistic integrity.


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