Friday, July 11, 2008

McCain advisor: Americans are whiners who suffer from a psychological recesion!

Yesterday, life long Milwaukee resident and safety assistant with Milwaukee Public Schools, Travis Griffin, sized up the dismal state of the economy when he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "It's the blue-collar kind of thing...You need two or three jobs to make things work for yourself...But you just do it"

On the same day that Griffin was stoically commenting on how hard it has become to make ends meet, Phil Gramm, Republican presidential nominee John McCain's campaign co-chair and top economic advisor, denied the nation's growing economic problems, declaring that Americans suffered from a psychological recession, not a real one and that Americans like Griffin had become a nation of whiners.

Take a look at this video!

John McCain, who has acknowledged that he knows very little about economics, tried to dissociate himself from Gramm's tone deaf comments. But as this video shows McCain has argued repeatedly that the nation's economic problems are mainly psychological.

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's response was that the nation's economic problems are real, not psychological. People who are losing their jobs, their healthcare and their homes, folks like Griffin, are struggling to fill their gas tanks, keep the lights on, pay their mortgage and piece together an income. They don't need therapy, they need help.

Who do you think has it right-John McCain and Phil Gramm or Travis Griffin and Barack Obama?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gramm's comments illustrate how out of touch many of our senators and "representatives" are.