Sunday, February 17, 2008

The (electoral) times they are a changing

Barack Obama's campaign has generated tremendous excitement among young and new voters..

New York Times columnist Frank Rich observes that:

Whatever the potency of his political skills and message, Mr. Obama is also riding a demographic wave. The authors of the new book "Millennial Makeover,” Morley Winograd and Michael D. Hais, point out that the so-called millennial generation (dating from 1982) is the largest in American history, boomers included, and that roughly 40 percent of it is African-American, Latino, Asian or racially mixed. One in five millennials has an immigrant parent. It’s this generation that is fueling the excitement and some of the record turnout of the Democratic primary campaign, and not just for Mr. Obama.

Rich also notes that McCain's appeal to the critical block of independent voters may be overstated:

The theory of the McCain candidacy is that his “maverick” image will bring independents (approaching a third of all voters) to the rescue. But a New York Times-CBS News poll last month found that independents have even a lower opinion of Mr. Bush, the war, the surge and the economy than the total electorate and skew slightly younger. Though the independents in this survey went 44 percent to 32 percent for Mr. Bush over John Kerry in 2004, they now prefer a Democratic presidential candidate over a Republican by 44 percent to 27 percent.

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